I’ve never been a big X-23 fan. I don’t have any issues. I didn’t follow her adventures much until she became a member of Cyclops’ X-force team. This figure depicts her as she was during that volume of the book. The head sculpt on this figure is awesome. It has this dynamic quality perfect for…
Tag: Marvel Legends
Marvel Legends Sasquatch Wave Deadpool Images & Impressions
The new Deadpool wave of figures has begun hitting stores, so that means it’s time to hunt! The wave isn’t exclusive anywhere, but it seems to be hitting comic stores and Walgreens first. Luckily, Walgreens had Legends figures on special for $14.99 last week so I was able to pick up Deadpool, Domino and X-23…
What Happens To The Toys R Us Exclusives?
One of the perks of buying at Toys R Us were the retailer exclusives. Sometimes it was Transformers like the recent Transformers: The Last Night Planet Cybertron(a repainted Primus), the X-Men Brotherhood Minimates set(that never showed up at my local TRU) and the Marvel Legends Hydra Two-pack(never saw that at any of the three stores…
Marvel Legends Wal-Mart Exclusive Thanos Images & Impressions
Some people may not like it, but in recent years Hasbro has been rereleasing certain figures with slight upgrades or paint jobs. We’ve seen this with the Grout Evolution Pack, Ares and to an extent, Black Bolt, Dormammu and Doctor Voodoo. In some cases its no big deal. I wasn’t collecting Legends figures when the…
Marvel Legends Walgreens Exclusive Mr. Fantastic Images & Impressions
Walgreens seems to be the exclusive place to get all the Fantastic Four franchise figures. So far we have received Namor, Medusa, Invisible Woman and the Human Torch. Now we have the leader of the group, Mr. Fantastic. When we first received images of this figure, I thought that the arms would a static pose….
Avengers Infinity War Wave 1 Is Now Up For Order
The first wave of Infinity War figures started showing up earlier this week and have been quickly claimed by fans. Don’t worry though, Entertainment Earth has got you covered. Wave 1 is now up for preorder. We didn’t get an Infinity War Wave image of Songbird but you get the idea. I picked up Taskmaster…
Avengers Infinity War Wave 2 Figures Revealed
Wave 1 of the Avengers Infinity War Wave is hitting shelves now, but that doesn’t mean Hasbro is taking a break! Just revealed today are official images of the new Thor, Black Widow and Cull Obsidian BAF! Thor is shown here with a new hammer that look similar to Ultimate Thor’s hammer. The only real…
Marvel Legends Taskmaster Images & Impressions
When I stopped by Wal-Mart yesterday, I went in with the objective of purchasing the “new” Thanos figure with Infinity Gauntlet. I did not find it, but I did not leave empty handed. I picked up three figures; Marvel Legends Songbird, Titans Return Slugslinger and Marvel Legends Taskmaster. I’ve been wanting a classic Taskmaster since…
Toy Fair 2018: Marvel Legends Official Images
Marvel Legends are my favorite line of figures. I dabble in other things, but Legends are like a comfortable shoe you keep. Hasbro has a lot of awesome products coming up. Check the images below to see what is in the pipeline for this year. Order Marvel Legends MCU Iron Man 6-Inch Action Figure from…
Toy Fair 2018: Marvel Legends Thing, Silver Surfer & Ant-man Two-pack
Finally! It seems like we have been waiting forever to see what the new Hasbro Thing figure would look like. With Mr. Fantastic hitting Walgreens shelves around the country right now, Ben is the last figure we need to complete the team. With Walgreens getting pretty much all the Fantastic Four franchise figures, it is…