Marvel Legends Sasquatch Wave Deadpool Images & Impressions


The new Deadpool wave of figures has begun hitting stores, so that means it’s time to hunt! The wave isn’t exclusive anywhere, but it seems to be hitting comic stores and Walgreens first. Luckily, Walgreens had Legends figures on special for $14.99 last week so I was able to pick up Deadpool, Domino and X-23 cheap.

I purposely passed on Deadpool the first time I saw it because the box looked pretty empty. He doesn’t come with any BAF pieces, probably because Hasbro knew people would buy him regardless. In fact, other than the figure, his only accessory is a pair of swords. They are shorter than the Juggernaut wave swords, but I like them.

This Deadpool uses the Sunfire body mold with the butterfly shoulder joints. This gives him a better range of motion when getting him into slashing poses. Probably not as important, but cool nonetheless is the fact that the holes in the bottom of the feet fit snugly onto my NECA display stands.

While this Deadpool comes with significantly less accessories than the previous release, you can swap the weapons between them. You can even put the unmasked head on, but it makes the neck look small.

Deadpool is hitting stores now. If want to make sure you get him and the rest of the figures from the wave head to Entertainment Earth to order the set or you can order them individually. Only Deathlok is unavailable for preorders at the moment.

Deadpool Marvel Legends 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 1 Case
Order Deadpool Marvel Legends 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 1 Case from Entertainment Earth!

Deadpool Marvel Legends 6-Inch Deadpool Action Figure
Order Deadpool Marvel Legends 6-Inch Deadpool Action Figure from Entertainment Earth!

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