SDCC 2018: Hasbro Marvel Legends Exclusive Two-packs Revealed During Hasbro SDCC Panel

Besides single carded figures, Hasbro had some new two-packs to show off. These have found a special place in my collection because they look great mounted on my Legends wall. Check out the upcoming retailer exclusive two-packs here.

Not too excited about this set because I have both figures already and the included extras don’t really warrant another purchase. Just kidding! The new deco looks great. A definite buy.

Dang it Hasbro. I don’t have unlimited funds! I need 3.

I am on the fence about this one. I don’t like the figures themselves, but the completionist in me says, “save your money dude”.

I saw the packaging for into the Spider-verse set and it is a definite buy. The A.I.M. set is currently up for preorder on Entertainment Earth.

Marvel Legends AIM Scientist & Shock Trooper - Exclusive
Marvel Legends AIM Scientist & Shock Trooper – Exclusive