SDCC 2018: Marvel Legends Rides Deadpool With Scooter

Yesterday on the livestream, Hasbro revealed a new addition to the Marvel Legends Rides Series, Deadpool on a scooter.This is a pretty sweet ride. In addition to the scooter, Deadpool features a new head sculpt along with Dogpool and Squirrel-pool. This looks like the Bucky Cap mold Deadpool from the Juggernaut wave with a…

Hasbro SDCC Marvel Legends Series Defenders Rail Authority 5-Pack

A week or so back, a leaked photo surfaced showing a set of Netflix Legends figures. Everyone surmised quickly that this was this years SDCC Marvel Legends offering. Well everyone was right because Hasbro has officially revealed the full box set. The set includes three currently available or soon to be available figures including Daredevil…