What a time to be a collector of Marvel Legends! Hasbro has been hitting it out of the park lately when it comes to all their releases, but especially the X-men figures. As an X-men fan, and a late comer to collecting them, it has been awesome seeing the resurgence the line has made. They…
Tag: Marvel Legends
SDCC 2018: Marvel Legends Rides Deadpool With Scooter
Yesterday on the Marvel.com livestream, Hasbro revealed a new addition to the Marvel Legends Rides Series, Deadpool on a scooter.This is a pretty sweet ride. In addition to the scooter, Deadpool features a new head sculpt along with Dogpool and Squirrel-pool. This looks like the Bucky Cap mold Deadpool from the Juggernaut wave with a…
SDCC 2018: Retro Marvel Legends Ant-man and The Wasp
It seems Hasbro will be continuing the retro line of Marvel Legends figures that are a throwback to the Toy Biz days. The first two revealed figures are Ant-man and The Wasp in very retro looking schemes. I’m really excited to see who else will fill out the wave.
SDCC 2018: Hasbro Marvel Legends Black Panther Wave 2 Revealed
SDCC is in full swing and that means glorious reveals of upcoming products for the coming year. Hasbro will be returning to the world of Wakanda with a second wave of figures based on the popular film. I honestly thought the first wave was a one-off and that we wouldn’t see anything else for a…
Hasbro Reveals SDCC Exclusive Red Skull & Tesseract
In case you didn’t know, 2018 marks 10 years of excellence from Marvel Studios. Every film released this year had the updated logo featuring the number 10 in it. But simply changing the logo for this years releases is not enough for the juggernaut that Marvel has built. To tie in to the anniversary Hasbro…
Marvel Legends Apocalypse Wave Psylocke Images & Impressions
I have been waiting so long for this figure! Psylocke has had a long and convoluted history, but she did not gain true popularity until after she went through the Siege Perilous and went from being a telepath in armor to a psychic ninja. Similarly, she went through some bad figures before we got to…
Hasbro SDCC Marvel Legends Series Defenders Rail Authority 5-Pack
A week or so back, a leaked photo surfaced showing a set of Netflix Legends figures. Everyone surmised quickly that this was this years SDCC Marvel Legends offering. Well everyone was right because Hasbro has officially revealed the full box set. The set includes three currently available or soon to be available figures including Daredevil…
Marvel Legends Avengers Infinity War Vision & Scarlet Witch Two-pack Images & Impressions
When I initially saw this set on shelves, I passed on it. While I am a big fan of the Marvel Legends line, I don’t much care for their MCU figures. Usually when I see the previews for a set including them I am already resolved to completing a BAF through eBay. Luckily, with the…
Deadpool Marvel Legends Wave 2 Promotional Images
The reveals keep coming and coming! Now we have packaged images of the upcoming second wave of Deadpool Legends figures. Now we know what the full wave assortment looks like. While I’m not to keen on more Deadpool figures, the others in the wave will be welcomed additions to collections everywhere. The lineup consists of:…
Venom Marvel Legends Series Now Up For Preorder
The upcoming Venom wave of Marvel Legends is now up for preorder. Last week we got the official images of the wave and while I am not wowed by the lineup, they do look pretty good. The wave consist of: Venom Marvel Legends 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 1 is now up for preorder on Entertainment…