SDCC 2019: Marvel Legends X-men Reveals

After a lull concerning X-men figures, Hasbro has really been going full force with them! With the Warlock wave, Juggernaut and Apocalypse wave, they have been giving us great figures and they seem to really be listening to what we want. And that that is not changing anytime soon. Let’s take a look at what we have coming soon from Hasbro in the X-men subline.

This new three-pack has been dubbed by fans as the Love Triangle set. It has a couple of figures we have received fairly recently in Cyclops and Wolverine, but with changes that make it worth a purchase. To me at least. The real star of this set though is Jean Grey.

The previous version from the Rocket Raccoon is next to impossible to find for a reasonable price and the mold and face sculpt weren’t great anyway. This new version is just plain awesome. We will also be getting a second head sculpt with the ponytail for the Animated Series fans.

This set is now up for preorder on most Fan Channel sites. Don’t wait to long to preorder this set as I am sure it will sell out.

This for me was the highlight of the reveals. X-factor Havok and Polaris? Awesome! This 90’s Polaris is just plain awesome. Glad they went with a new sculpt for the hair.

The Havok figure looks great as well. His X-factor suit, while not as iconic as his black suit with the rings, is probably his most popular and recognizable suit.

This set is also up for preorder on most Fan Channel sites. This will be released sometime this December.

That’s not it for X-factor though! Also coming soon will be a new figure for Guido Carrosella, Strong Guy!

The solicitation says it will be coming in the Fall 2020 Deadpool wave as the Build-A-Figure. With this figure will have the majority of the X-factor squad led by Havok. We would just need Wolfsbane.

Coming as a Walgreens exclusive will be the fabled Dani Moonstar figure. Originally this was to be a running change figure with the old Mystique figure from some years back. She comes in her New Mutants suit and is packed with swappable heads and hands so you can have Karma and Wolfsbane in their New Mutants suits as well.

This will be the next Walgreens exclusive after Emma Frost releases.

When i was a kid I loved the Age of Apocalypse event that took over Marvel during the Summer of 1995. All X-men series went on hiatus and limited series were published featuring the classic characters “in a world without Xavier”. The character designs were amazing and I still have fond memories of them, which is why I am ecstatic that Hasbro will have a wave dedicated to the characters of this storyline.

X-man(Nate Grey)
Weapon X

I knew when we received Blink that we would probably get more figures from that story, but I never expected a whole wave! These will be arriving Spring 2020.

That’s it for the X-men reveals for SDCC, but check back for more reveals for Marvel Legends and Star Wars. Don’t forget to get your preorders in for the X-factor two-pack and Love Triangle three-pack.

Marvel Legends X-Men Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Wolverine
Marvel Legends X-Men Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Wolverine
Marvel Legends 90s Havok and Polaris 6-Inch Action Figures
Marvel Legends 90s Havok and Polaris 6-Inch Action Figures