Marvel Legends Apocalypse Wave Storm Images & Impressions

A few years back there was a wave of X-men figures that was exclusive to Toys R Us(R.I.P.). The wave was pretty good, however because of its exclusivity, getting the entire wave was pretty difficult. Magneto and Storm in particular were impossible to find on the pegs. They can be found on Ebay if you don’t mind paying exorbitant prices for them.

Luckily with the resurgence of the X-men in Marvel Legends, it was a given we would get another chance at getting the Windrider.

Instead of the 90’s version which I thought would be great, we got Storm’s 80’s punk look that debuted in Uncanny X-men #173 and shown above on the cover of issue #198. I dig it.

She is packaged in a flying pose that when I first looked at it seemed fine, but after taking it out the legs seemed a bit off. The left leg especially seems to either have been warped slightly in packaging or assembled slightly wrong at the factory. It’s not a huge deal because it is hidden when posing the figure.

She doesn’t come with many accessories. She has a couple of lightning effects that we first got with the Thor Ragnarok Thor figures. I won’t be using them because when I think of this costume I usually think of the period when she was depowered.

The figure, while not one of her more dynamic costumes, is still a cool version of the character to have. I still want the first appearance and 90’s costumes, so hopefully those will come eventually. You can preorder Storm now at Entertainment Earth or head try to find her at retail. Every fan of Storm should own this figure.

X-Men Marvel Legends 6-Inch Storm Action Figure
X-Men Marvel Legends 6-Inch Storm Action Figure

Dark X-Men Diorama