A lot of great stuff was revealed during the panel today during SDCC and Hasbto has been kind enough to send over images of the reveals. Check out the Spider-Man Marvel Legends coming up.
Black Cat will be making her return to Marvel Legends in her most recent costume she sported while she was a crime boss.I don’t recognize this version of Spider-man in the symbiote, but it looks cool.I think this is the first time Habro has done a Silver Sable figure. She has been a low key favorite since the Ends of the Earth story.I am surprised this is getting made so soon. The Red Goblin is Norman Osborn with the Carnage Symbiote.The BAF for this wave will be the current mayor of New York, Wilson Fisk, more commonly known as the Kingpin. Love the cane.
This looks to be an amazing wave. I really want to see who is going to fill out the rest of the wave. New York Comic-Con isn’t too far off so I expect more to be revealed then. Stay tuned.