Marvel Legends Sasquatch Build-A-Figure at FanExpo in Canada!

During the Hasbro Marvel Legends panel during San Diego Comic-Con this year, Hasbro revealed a new wave of figures headlined by Deadpool. Order Deadpool Marvel Legends 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 1 Case from Entertainment Earth! The figures that were revealed are: Also part of the wave are the two exclusive Deadpools: While there will probably…

HasCon Exclusive Marvel Legends Uncanny X-force Deadpool

During SDCC this year, Hasbro showed off images of their upcoming HasCon Exclusive Deadpool figure. Now we have images of what it will look like packaged. This variant is largely the same as the version released last year in the Juggernaut wave. Other than the X-force colors, it features a different belt and thigh holster….

Spider-man Marvel Legends Lizard Build-A-Figure Wave Preview

This time last week Comic-con was wrapping up, but Hasbro still had something to show us from their Marvel Legends line. Coming soon we will be getting an awesome new wave of Spider-man  figures with The Lizard as the BAF! Order Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Legends Figures Wave 9 Case from Entertainment Earth! This wave features…

HasCon Exclusive Transformers Power Bank! Titans Return Arcee! X-force Deadpool!

HASCON is Hasbro’s first-ever family convention that’s taking place on September 8-10, 2017 at the Rhode Island Convention Center and Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence, RI. It will be a celebration of Hasbro and their brands that we all know and love. Two of those brands, Transformers and Marvel Legends(my favorite collectible lines), have some…