The Vintage Wave of Marvel Legends figures are beginning to hit shelves now. The wave is largely made up of figures we have received before without a Build-a-figure. This means you can get the figure you want without feeling the need to buy the rest. The packaging has kind of a dollar store feel to…
Tag: Marvel Legends
NYCC 2017: Marvel Legends
Most of the major reveals for the the upcoming Legends figures were shown during SDCC and HasCon. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any cool reveals left in Hasbro’ s bag! To start, we now know what the Gladiator figure will look like. He is utilizing the Tombstone mold. Prowler is a must buy for…
Gamestop Exclusive Deadpool Back in Black Up for Preorder!
Searching for figures can be frustrating sometimes. Even more so when the figure you are looking for is at Gamestop. This is why I had a little trepidation when it was announced that the Deadpool BACK IN BLACK figure would be exclusive to Gamestop. Luckily we won’t have to wait and see when it will…
Marvel Legends Spider-woman! Paladin! King Cobra!
Last week Hasbro sent out a lot of hi-res images of upcoming Legends figures. Somehow, I forgot to post three. They are Spider-woman in her modern costume, Paladin and King Cobra. Spider-woman and Paladin will be apart of an upcoming Spider-Man wave of figures and King Cobra will be in the next Avengers wave. King…
Marvel Legends Dark Phoenix Saga Two-Pack Images & Impressions
This two-pack has finally reached full saturation so it not difficult finding them anymore. I wanted this Toys R Us exclusive primarily because it has versions of characters from my favorite period of X-Men stories, The Chris Claremont/John Byrne era. The Cyclops figure is fairly simple. It features him in his classic all blue suit…
Marvel Legends Retailer Exclusives! Shuri & Klaw! Thanos with Infinity Guantlet!
Who doesn’t love a good exclusive? Yesterday Hasbro sent out hi-res images of some of the upcoming Legends figures that will be hitting shelves next year. Most of what was revealed will be available at all retailers, however there are a couple that will be exclusive to certain retailers. The Shuri Black Panther and Klaw…
Marvel Legends Black Widow & Ghost Rider Official Hi-res Images!
Here are the official hi-res images Hasbro has sent out today of the upcoming Legends Black Widow and Ghost Rider on their motorcycles. I will be getting this version over the Vintage Wave version simply because of the motorcycle. Oh, who am I kidding, I’ll probably get both. I must have this Ghost Rider and…
Marvel Legends Black Panther Wave Hi-res images!
Today Hasbro sent out hi-res images of some of the upcoming Legends figures from next year’s Black Panther wave. Take a look. While we saw these revealed earlier this summer during SDCC, Hasbro revealed the new Invincible Ironman during HasCon. I’m loving the increased amount of accessories Hasbro is giving us. I’m looking forward to…
Marvel Legends X-men Reveals from HasCon
Recently Hasbro held their inaugural HasCon, a convention centered around their brands and the people who love them. One of those brands is Marvel Legends. The Marvel Legends team revealed some of their upcoming X-Men figures that will be hitting shelves next year. Let’s take a look at the hi-res images Hasbro has sent out…
Marvel Legends Man-Thing Series Blade Photos & Impressions
I picked Blade up a little while ago, but I am just now getting around to taking a good look at him. In general, it’s a good action figure, but it does not wow me. The articulation for Blade for the most part, is really good. The only part that isn’t done so well is…