Yesterday the Hasbro Marvel Legends team took to Instagram Live to reveal some upcoming products you’re going to want. The reveals were spread across all the sublines, not focusing on any one in particular.

First up, Sharon Carter. Everyone thought for sure we were going to get a reveal for an MCU She-hulk, seeing as how the trailer was revealed recently. However, it turned out to be an MCU Sharon Carter. It’s a decent looking figure, even though it’s not a particularly exciting one.
Up now for preorder on Entertainment Earth, HasbroPulse, BigBadToyStore, Dorksidetoys and anywhere else you order Marvel Legends.

This is a fun looking figure! The head sculpt looks really good. They said in the stream the bag is not removable, but why would you want to? Also included is a “kick me” sign to complete this embarrassing footnote in Spider-Man’s history.
This figure is exclusive to Target.

I don’t collect this line, but I have bought some for my kids. They seem to enjoy them. I was initially interested in this and then saw the 24.99 asking price and quickly lost interest. Still, it looks nice on card.
Up now for preorder on Entertainment Earth, HasbroPulse, BigBadToyStore, Dorksidetoys and anywhere else you order Marvel Legends.

Add another to the Spider-Man anniversary line. This figure is based on the Japanese Spider-Man TV show. This features pinless arms and legs. I really like the Japanese text on the box. Nice touch.
Up now for preorder on Entertainment Earth, HasbroPulse, BigBadToyStore, Dorksidetoys and anywhere else you order Marvel Legends.

I want this. I The only way this figure would be any more perfect would be if they included the Rhodey alternate head. Must buy. Maybe two.
Up now for preorder on Entertainment Earth, HasbroPulse, BigBadToyStore, Dorksidetoys and anywhere else you order Marvel Legends.

Another double buy! And it’s a Herald of Galactus! Come on Hasbro! Hurry up and get this to us so we can pair it with the upcoming Galactus HasLab.
Up now for preorder on Entertainment Earth, HasbroPulse, BigBadToyStore, Dorksidetoys and anywhere else you order Marvel Legends.

If you really pay attention during the streams, the Hasbro Marvel Legends team gives hints of wants to come in the line. For the past few streams I noticed Ryan Ting had a Mojo minimate on his display shelf. I had hoped that meant an upcoming Mojo figure, and I was right! But not only are we getting Mojo, we’re also getting Longshot and Outback Dazzler! So cool! The price however is not. $150 after tax and shipping depending on if you have a Pulse membership or not. Still, I’m getting it.
This is a HasbroPulse exclusive.
Lots of great items and all up for preorder now.