Marvel Legends Series She-hulk Up For Preorder

Last years Superskrull wave She-hulk figure was one of my favorite releases last year. While it wasn’t the classic She-hulk everyone wanted, but it was a great figure nonetheless. So it comes as no surprise that Hasbro is revisiting the figure with a new deco and some added accessories.

The new head sculpt evokes the classic She-hulk portrait, though it seems a bit off. I’m not sure what it is, but compared to the original sculpt, it seems kind of lifeless. Classic She-hulk was a fourth wall breaking character with lots of personality and humor.

It is a good sculpt, it just doesn’t fit with this version of the jade giantess.

The original head sculpt is still great and fits this mold perfectly.

This is a Fan Channel exclusive, so you can preorder it now online at sites like Entertainment Earth, Dorksidetoys and of course Hasbro Pulse.

Avengers Marvel Legends Series 6-inch She-Hulk Action Figure