Hasbro Reveals 80th Anniversary First Appearance Deadpool

A day or so ago an image of a Deadpool figure in the retro packaging showed up on social media. It instantly put in two camps; those who were excited for it and those who were annoyed at the release of a repaint of a figure we all bought about a year ago, with accessories he should have had initially. I flitted between the two.

I really like the packaging, but it’s just a repaint. A really good repaint. The new colors are meant to show off more how he looked in New Mutants #98, his first appearance.

I’m going to get it. Mainly because I think it will lead to more retro X-force figures. Can you imagine? A rerelease of Cannonball with legs, Siryn, Rictor, G. W. Bridge, Kane, Gideon or Warpath. Heck, I’d love a new Domino based on her early X-force costume.

This figure is a EU Convention exclusive for now, but will be released on HasbroPulse and other sites November 4th. I believe Grey Hulk will be available then as well. Will you be adding this repaint to your collection?

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