New Marvel Legends Revealed During NYCC 2018

Prior to NYCC 2018 Hasbro teamed that they would be completing a team soon. They have revealed today that they will soon be releasing the final two members of the MCU Black Order, Corvus Glaive and Ebony Maw.

Corvus Glaive
Ebony Maw

I didn’t plan on getting any of the MCU Black Order figures, but seeing these two now I can’t help but get Proxima and the BAF Cull Obsidian.

Habro also revealed a couple of new two-packs, one of which is available for preorder now. The first is a set based on last years Secret Empire story with Supreme Leader Steve Roger’s and Arnim Zola.

Marvel Legends Arnim Zola & Supreme Captain America Figures

The Zola figure is primarily a repaint with new arms and a new head. It was released as a BAF some years ago. I am surprised that we are getting this Cap before the version when he was still an undercover Hydra agent.

The Second two-pack is based on the Kraven’s Last Hunt storyline.

Other than the head sculpt on Kraven, I’m not seeing much new here. Hopefully there are a ton of accessories in the box to warrant a new purchase. 

Following up on this years awesome X-Men wave of figures, we will be getting a pretty great wave next Spring as well. Previously we have seen reveals of Gambit, Blink, Skullcrusher and Weapon X. Add to that list now Forge.


The BAF for the next wave of X-Men will be none of than Caliban. This is his Horseman of Apocalypse form I believe.


In next Springs Spider-man wave we will be getting an all new Night Thrasher figure. I don’t know certain if there was one in the Toy Biz line, but we’re getting one now.

Night Thrasher

Also revealed during the round table is an all new Beta Ray Bill. There was previously a version released during the Toy Biz days.

Beta Ray Bill 

This is a must buy. 

Hasbro also revealed that the Deadpool Chimichanga Surprise will be getting a second wave.

Other things revealed but not pictured here are a new Jubilee figure, a Cerebro helmet for Professor Xavier, an alternate head for Kingpin that changes him into Amahl Farouk, the Shadow King and stickers that will come with the Deadpool Scooter pack. Oh, and the Deadpool pack will also come with a Bob head for your Hydra Agent figure.


That’s about it for this years NYCC reveals. Check back tomorrow for the Star Wars brand reveals.

Marvel Legends Arnim Zola & Supreme Captain America Figures
Marvel Legends Arnim Zola & Supreme Captain America Figures