I have always been a big fan of the Star Wars movies and comics, not so much the toys. Lately though that changed. I have picked up Jaina Solo, Supreme Leader Snoke on throne and the 40th anniversary Darth Vader as well as the AT-ST walker vehicle. Hasbro has revealed some upcoming figures that I will definitely be adding to my Black Series collection. Check them out below.
I guess the line of helmets are successful because we are getting another. The deco on the trooper helmet is pretty cool.
If you’re still without a Leia for your collection or you want to set up an Empire Strikes Back display, this version of Leia in her outfit from the Bespin portion of the film will be a great addition.
I initially thought this was a different character altogether, but it is the same General Verrs character with a helmet and vest on.
Definitely getting this figure. The Stormtroopers always look great and this Imperial Patrol Trooper is no different.
I believe there was a Phasma figure released around the time The Force Awakens released. That version had the trooper general in her chrome armor pristine. This version has her battle damaged after her fight with Finn.
This character, while a part of the vintage collection, was created for the Solo movie. I have yet to see it, but this character looks cool.
This a great lineup of products coming from the Hasbro Star Wars brand soon. Stay tuned for more SDCC reveals.