Return To Angel Grove With These New Power Rangers Pops


I think I was in the 4th or 5th grade when Mighty Morphing Power Rangers made its debut on American television. I remember playing on the playground pretending to be one of the Rangers. It didn’t matter which because they were all cool. Then the Green Ranger came along and everyone wanted to be him. The Power Rangers were a phenomenon and still continues to this day. Funko is taking a look back at the original series and is putting out a line of Pop! figures based on the original teenagers with attitude.

Sabretooth Tiger!

Not to be left out are the baddies Rita Repulsa, her husband Lord Zedd and her strongest henchman, Goldar.

Magic wand, make my monster GROW!
I am Lord Zedd. Emperor of all I see.
My life is dedicated to destroying you!

Not to be left out is the iconic Megazord. This version is exclusive to Morhphicon.

A glow in the dark version in the regular color scheme is exclusive to Entertainment Earth.

These will all be available starting in August. Head to Entertainment Earth now to preorder yours.

Power Rangers Megazord GITD 6-Inch Pop! Vinyl - EE Excl.
Power Rangers Megazord GITD 6-Inch Pop! Vinyl – EE Excl.

Entertainment Earth

Supergirl DC Comics Premium Format(TM) Figure