The reveals keep coming and coming! Now we have packaged images of the upcoming second wave of Deadpool Legends figures. Now we know what the full wave assortment looks like. While I’m not to keen on more Deadpool figures, the others in the wave will be welcomed additions to collections everywhere. The lineup consists of:
Deadpool – Because fans demanded it, we are getting Deadpool in his boxers. Kidding, but there are only so many ways you can release a Deadpool figure.Deadpool(X-Men costume) – This is the issue with wave centered around a single character. Eventually you’re going to start scraping the bottom of the barrel.Lady Deadpool – Now this is a Deadpool figure I need! I have yet to pick up the Marvel Select version, so this will be cool to have. Plus it’s in scale with the rest of my collection.Bishop – I want this figure. I have a feeling this may end up being the best figure in the wave. Hopefully we’ll get his buddies from the XSE in the future.Wolverine(Laura Kinney) – No matter what people’s views were on her taking on the mantle of Wolverine, this costume is cool. I hope they used the same body as the X-23 figure.Madcap – This isn’t a separate figure, but a head swap for Deadpool. Madcap is Deadpool’s nemesis and actually shared space in Deadpool’s head for a time. They should have released him as a full figure. But seeing as he impersonated Deadpool once this makes sense even if it doesn’t look quite right on the Deadpool body.Omega Red – Rounding out the wave is the classic X-Men villain, Omega Red. This will be another contender for best in the wave.
This is shaping up to be one of the best years for Marvel Legends in recent memory. Every single wave released or revealed, has been awesome. Check back soon for info on when this set will be released.